What are necessary to explain research findings?

a- variables
c- symbols
d- research models

I'm not sure of the answer because you would need models to conduct the research and theories to model the research. I don't think symbols would explain the findings and so that leaves variables?

Yes. It must be variables.

thank you

You're welcome.

To explain research findings, you would typically need variables, theories, and research models. Let me break it down:

1. Variables: In research, variables are the factors or characteristics that can change or have different values. They are essential because they allow researchers to measure and analyze the relationship between different elements. By examining how variables interact or change in relation to one another, researchers can uncover meaningful findings and draw conclusions.

2. Theories: Theories provide explanations and frameworks for understanding phenomena or relationships in a particular field of study. They serve as the foundation for research by guiding the design, methodology, and interpretation of the findings. Theories offer concepts, principles, and hypotheses that help researchers generate and validate knowledge.

3. Research models: Research models are frameworks or structures that outline the design and implementation of a study. They help researchers organize and conceptualize their research process, data collection, and data analysis. Research models can be quantitative (e.g., experimental designs, statistical models) or qualitative (e.g., grounded theory, ethnography), depending on the nature of the research.

Symbols, on the other hand, are not typically necessary when explaining research findings. Symbols are often used to represent or represent concepts, but they are not directly tied to the explanation of the findings themselves.

Given the options provided, the most appropriate choice for explaining research findings would be a combination of variables, theories, and research models.