One of the primary differences between the study of Society done by the people of ancient civilizations and the study of society conducted by sociologists 19th century was what?

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only 19th century sociologists addressed social problems.

only 19th century sociologists tested their theories with systematic research.
ancient civilizations were egalitarian and did not address class differences.
war and social conflict were a product of the industrial revolution and unknown to ancient peoples.

Sorry - my answer is B

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The primary difference between the study of society done by people of ancient civilizations and the study of society conducted by sociologists in the 19th century was the approach and method used to understand society.

In ancient civilizations, the study of society was often intertwined with religious or philosophical beliefs. Ancient societies typically relied on observations, anecdotes, or myths to explain social phenomena. The study of society was not systematic or based on empirical evidence. Ancient thinkers, such as Confucius in China, Aristotle in Greece, or Ibn Khaldun in the Islamic world, offered insights into social organization and human behavior, but these were typically rooted in their own cultural and moral values.

On the other hand, sociologists in the 19th century adopted a more scientific and systematic approach to the study of society. They sought to apply the principles of the natural sciences to understand social phenomena. Scholars like Auguste Comte, Émile Durkheim, and Max Weber developed theories and methodologies based on systematic observation, data collection, and analysis. They emphasized objectivity, empirical evidence, and the need for generalization beyond individual observations.

The emergence of sociology as a distinct discipline in the 19th century allowed for the development of a more rigorous and scientific study of society, distinct from the speculative or philosophical approaches of ancient civilizations. Sociologists sought to uncover general patterns and laws governing human behavior and social organization, leading to the development of various sociological theories and research methodologies that continue to shape our understanding of society today.