: a student scored 73 out of 100 on a test. If the maximum score on the next text is also 100 points, what score does the student need to maintain an average of 81?

(73+x)/2 = 81

73+x = 162
x = 89


To determine the score the student needs on the next test to maintain an average of 81, we can use the following formula:

Total Average = (Sum of Scores) / (Total number of scores)

In this case, we have:

Total Average = 81
Sum of Scores = 73 + (score on the next test)
Total number of scores = 2

Let's solve for the unknown score on the next test:

Sum of Scores = Total Average * Total number of scores
Sum of Scores = 81 * 2
Sum of Scores = 162

Now, let's subtract the already scored test from the sum of scores to find the required score on the next test:

Required score on next test = Sum of Scores - Score already obtained
Required score on next test = 162 - 73
Required score on next test = 89

Therefore, the student needs to score at least 89 out of 100 on the next test to maintain an average of 81.