How many pairs of parallel edges does a rectangular solid have?

How many do you see?

I see 12

But the question asks about PAIRS of edges.

So it's 6?

I see 6 :)


I see 8.

I need a shape with 1 pair of parallel edges

It's 18. It never said they had to be congruent edges.

I solved this question when I was literally 6.

Check it yourself. Also, if you think I mean 9, I mean 18. It isn't a typo.

To determine the number of pairs of parallel edges that a rectangular solid has, we need to first understand the concept of a rectangular solid.

A rectangular solid, also known as a rectangular prism, is a three-dimensional shape with six faces, all of which are rectangles. It has eight vertices, or corners, and twelve edges.

To find the pairs of parallel edges, let's consider the characteristics of a rectangular solid. Each face of a rectangular solid has two sets of parallel edges. Since there are six faces, we have a total of 6 * 2 = 12 pairs of parallel edges.

Therefore, a rectangular solid has 12 pairs of parallel edges.