The cost C in dollars of having an electrician come to your house to do a repair job in h hours if he charges $16 for coming to the house and $30 for each hour.

16 + 30h = C

To calculate the cost, we need to consider the fixed charge for coming to the house ($16) and the hourly charge ($30). So, the cost C (in dollars) can be expressed as:

C = Fixed charge + Hourly charge

The fixed charge for coming to the house is always $16.

The hourly charge is $30 multiplied by the number of hours the electrician spends on the job, which is h.

Therefore, the equation for the cost can be written as:

C = 16 + 30h

So, the cost (C) in dollars of having an electrician come to your house to do a repair job in h hours would be 16 + 30h.

To calculate the cost C in dollars of having an electrician come to your house to do a repair job in h hours, we need to add the cost of the initial visit fee and the cost for each hour of work.

The formula for calculating the total cost C is:
C = Initial visit fee + Hourly rate × Number of hours

In this case, the initial visit fee is $16, and the electrician charges $30 for each hour of work. Let's substitute these values into the formula:

C = $16 + $30 × h

Therefore, the cost C in dollars of having an electrician come to your house to do a repair job in h hours is given by the equation C = $16 + $30 × h.