How are moon observations from space different from moon observations made on Earth? I think there is no deifference.

How about the diffusion caused by the atmosphere?

That's would not work! any more difference?

Moon observations from space and moon observations made on Earth are indeed different in several ways. Here are a few key distinctions:

1. Perspective: Observations from space provide a unique perspective compared to observations made on Earth. Satellites and spacecraft stationed around the Moon can capture images and data from various angles and distances, providing a comprehensive view of the lunar surface that is not possible from Earth.

2. Atmosphere: Moon observations made from Earth are affected by the Earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric conditions, such as air density, turbulence, and weather patterns, can distort the images and affect the overall clarity. Observations from space are free from these atmospheric disruptions, providing sharper and more accurate data.

3. Resolution: Space-based observations often have much higher resolution compared to Earth-based observations. Ground telescopes can be limited by factors like atmospheric turbulence and the size constraints of the telescopes themselves. In contrast, satellites and spacecraft equipped with advanced instruments can capture finer details and acquire data with higher precision.

4. Continuous monitoring: Satellites and spacecraft stationed around the Moon can continuously observe the lunar surface, providing a continuous stream of data and allowing for long-term monitoring. On Earth, observations are limited by factors such as day-night cycles, weather conditions, and the availability of observatories.

5. Accessibility: Moon observations from space can access regions that are challenging or impossible to observe from Earth. For example, the far side of the Moon, which is permanently hidden from Earth, can only be observed from space-based platforms.

Overall, while observations from Earth can provide valuable information about the Moon, space-based observations offer distinct advantages in terms of perspective, resolution, continuous monitoring, and accessibility to different regions.