In a group of 65 people,40 like cricket,10 like both cricket and tennis.How many like tennis only and not cricket?How many like tennis?

Make a Venn diagram, and enter your data.

Let the number of people who like only tennis be x

x + 10 + 30 = 65
x = 25
so number who like tennis = 10+25 = 35

N(C or T) = N(C) + N(T) - N(C and T)
LS = 65
RS = 40 + 35 - 10
= 65
= LS
All is good!

don't know the answer

To find the number of people who like tennis only and not cricket, you need to subtract the number of people who like both cricket and tennis from the total number of people who like tennis.

To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given information:
- Total number of people in the group: 65
- Number of people who like cricket: 40
- Number of people who like both cricket and tennis: 10

Step 2: Calculate the number of people who like tennis:
Since 10 people like both cricket and tennis, we subtract 10 from the total number of people who like cricket (40) to find the number of people who like cricket only. This gives us 40 - 10 = 30 people who like cricket only.
Since the total number of people who like cricket and cricket only is 30, and there are a total of 65 people in the group, the remaining number of people who like tennis can be calculated as: 65 - 30 = 35 people.

Therefore, the number of people who like tennis only and not cricket is 35, and the total number of people who like tennis is also 35.