which of these elements of Indian culture was not adopted in Cambodia?

a. Hindu and buddhist coexistence
b.a burreocracy dominated by military religious leaders
c. architecture
d. The caste system
my answer B

the answer is (d.) the caste system

I disagree.

The correct answer is A. Hindu and Buddhist coexistence was adopted in Cambodia.

To determine which of these elements of Indian culture was not adopted in Cambodia, we can analyze each option:

a. Hindu and Buddhist coexistence: This is adopted in Cambodia, as both Hinduism and Buddhism have had a significant influence on Cambodian culture.

b. A bureaucracy dominated by military religious leaders: This element was not adopted in Cambodia. Unlike India, Cambodia did not have a system where military religious leaders dominated the bureaucracy.

c. Architecture: Indian architecture, particularly in the form of temple structures, did influence Cambodian architecture. The most notable example is the famous Angkor Wat complex.

d. The caste system: The caste system, which is a hierarchical social structure based on birth, was not adopted in Cambodia. Cambodia has its own social structures and traditions that differ from the caste system.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b. A bureaucracy dominated by military religious leaders was not adopted in Cambodia.