The major emphasis of movement programs for young children is the development of concepts. Which of the following three major categories are they broken into?

A. What, who, and where B. Movement, skill, and fitness C. Awareness, knowledge, and understanding D. Body, space, and time

My answer is D

I agree.

Please tell us the name of your school.

I don't go to a school

I'm helping a friend of mine.

What school does she go to?

These questions have been around since at least 2010. And for the last three years, all of the questions posted on Jiskha have spelled probability as probility.

I don't know what school

Oh ok so probability is the corrected word
Thank you very much.

That is correct! The major emphasis of movement programs for young children is indeed the development of concepts. These concepts are typically broken down into three major categories, which are:

D. Body, space, and time.

The focus of movement programs for young children is to develop their understanding and awareness of their own bodies, how they interact with space, and how they perceive and relate to time. By exploring these concepts through various movement activities and exercises, children develop important physical, cognitive, and social skills.