Could someone just double check my work

I got 2x^3 sqrt10\sqrtx

Also 1/5(30y+40)+2/3(9y-27)=18
I got 7/3

Both answers is correct but you can simplify answer 1.

sqrt ( 280 x ^ 6 ) / sqrt ( 7 x ) =

sqrt ( 280 x ^ 6 / 7 x ) =

sqrt [ ( 280 / 7 ) * x ^ 6 / x ] =

sqrt ( 40 * x ^ 5 ) =

sqrt ( 40 ) * sqrt ( x ^ 5 ) =

sqrt ( 4 * 10 ) * sqrt ( x ^ 5 ) =

sqrt ( 4 ) * sqrt ( 10 ) * sqrt ( x ^ 5 ) =

2 * sqrt ( 10 ) * sqrt ( x ^ 5 ) =

2 * sqrt ( 10 ) * x ^ ( 5 / 2 )

If you'll allow one more step,

2x^2 sqrt(10x)

1. 2x sqrt(10x^3)

2. 7/3

By the way, 2x^3 sqrt(10/x) is also correct. So, good work, I think.

Let's break down the expressions step by step to double-check your work.

For the first expression, we have:
√(280x^6) / √(7x)

To simplify, you can multiply the numerators and denominators by the square root of 7, which will eliminate the square root in the denominator:
(√(280x^6) / √(7x)) * (√(7) / √(7))

Now, simplify each term separately:
√(280x^6) * √(7) = √(1960x^6) = √(1960) * √(x^6) = 14√(10) * x^3

√(7x) * √(7) = √(49x) = 7√(x)

Combining these results, we get:
(14√(10) * x^3) / (7√(x))

Reduce the expression further by canceling out the common factors:
(14/7) * (√(10)/√(1)) * (x^3/x)

Simplifying this, we have:
2 * √(10) * x^2 = 2x^2√10

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is 2x^2√10.

Now let's move on to the second expression:
1/5(30y + 40) + 2/3(9y - 27) = 18

First, simplify the terms within parentheses:
1/5 * (30y + 40) = (1/5) * 30y + (1/5) * 40 = 6y + 8

2/3 * (9y - 27) = (2/3) * 9y + (2/3) * (-27) = 6y - 18

Now rewrite the equation using the simplified terms:
6y + 8 + 6y - 18 = 18

Combine like terms:
12y - 10 = 18

Now, isolate the variable by adding 10 to both sides:
12y = 28

Finally, divide both sides by 12 to solve for y:
y = 28/12 = 7/3

Therefore, the correct solution for the second equation is y = 7/3.

I have double-checked your work, and it appears that your answers are correct. Well done!