What is the theme of the song, On s'attache? There are english lyrics but i don't know what the theme would be..

The lyricist seems to love a woman but is not ready for marriage.


So the theme would be love?

I think it's more like attachment or affection.

Also, who would i say that this song is addressing? Can i say the songwriter might be addressing it to someone he loves?


Im asked if i agree with the words of the song... i want to say that i don't agree wit the words because the songwriter states that being attached would imprison them... is that correct? im not sure what i would say if i agree with the song

Be honest. If you don't agree with the song, then say so.

Ok. Thank you

You're welcome.

To determine the theme of the song "On s'attache," we can start by understanding its lyrics. Since the song contains both English and French lyrics, it's essential to consider both languages.

To analyze the theme, begin by breaking down the lyrics and identifying the main ideas and emotions conveyed. Start by translating the French lyrics into English. By understanding the meanings behind the lyrics, you can gain insight into the theme.

Next, consider the tone and mood of the song. Is it upbeat and joyful, or does it express sadness or longing? This can give you further clues about the theme.

Finally, since language and cultural context play a significant role in understanding the theme, it can be helpful to research the song's history, the artist's intentions, and any interviews or discussions surrounding the song. This additional information can provide valuable insights into the theme.

By following these steps, you should be able to gain a better understanding of the theme of the song "On s'attache."