A certain alloy contains 5.25% copper. How much copper is there in a piece weighing 200 pounds.

A.1.05 pounds
B.105 pounds
C.10.5 pounds
D.1050 pounds

Would it be C 10.5 pounds

Yes it is C

To calculate the amount of copper in a piece weighing 200 pounds, we can use the percentage of copper in the alloy.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
The alloy contains 5.25% copper. To convert this percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100:

5.25% ÷ 100 = 0.0525

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total weight.
Multiply the decimal value (0.0525) by the weight of the piece, which is 200 pounds:

0.0525 × 200 = 10.5

So, there are 10.5 pounds of copper in a 200-pound piece.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 10.5 pounds.