Which is the best way to balance your dietary choices?

a) If you overeat at lunch, you should skip dinner.
b) If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner.
c) If your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast.
d) If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner and if your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast.

If you let us know what YOU THINK, someone here will check your work.

I say it is D

If your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast

If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner.

The best way to balance your dietary choices is option d) If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch, you should walk an extra mile after dinner, and if your dinner has no vegetables, you should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast.


To balance your dietary choices, it is essential to consider the overall composition of your meals throughout the day. Here's why option d) is the best choice:

- If you eat two slices of pizza at lunch: Pizza is often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and low in essential nutrients. If you indulge in a less healthy meal like this, it's a good idea to balance it out later.

- You should walk an extra mile after dinner: Physical activity helps burn calories and contributes to overall health and well-being. Walking an extra mile after dinner can help negate some of the excess calories consumed during lunch.

- If your dinner has no vegetables: Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet as they provide important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If your dinner lacks vegetables, it is crucial to find ways to incorporate them into your meals.

- You should eat a cereal containing fiber at breakfast: Fiber is important for digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, and promoting a feeling of fullness. Choosing a cereal that contains fiber for breakfast is an effective way to ensure you're getting the necessary nutrients and fiber in your diet.

Remember, balance is key when it comes to your dietary choices. It's not about depriving yourself of certain foods or skipping meals, but rather making conscious decisions and compensating when needed to maintain a well-rounded diet.