Joe can type 11 words in 8 secs. at this rate, how many words can he type in two minutes ?

2 minutes = 120 seconds

(11 words / 8 seconds) 120 seconds = 165 words

To find out how many words Joe can type in two minutes, we need to first determine how many words he can type in 1 second and then multiply that by the number of seconds in two minutes.

Step 1: Find the number of words Joe can type in 1 second.
According to the given information, Joe can type 11 words in 8 seconds. To find out how many words he can type in 1 second, we can set up a proportion:

11 words / 8 seconds = x words / 1 second

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:

8 seconds * x words = 11 words * 1 second
8x = 11
x = 11 / 8
x ≈ 1.375

So, Joe can type approximately 1.375 words in 1 second.

Step 2: Multiply the number of words Joe can type in 1 second by the number of seconds in two minutes.
In two minutes, there are 60 seconds (1 minute = 60 seconds). So, we can set up another proportion:

1.375 words / 1 second = y words / 60 seconds

To solve for y, we can cross-multiply and divide:

1 second * y words = 1.375 words * 60 seconds
y words = (1.375 * 60) / 1
y ≈ 82.5

Therefore, Joe can type approximately 82.5 words in two minutes.