write a program to calculate the capacity of an automobile fuel tank in liters and the kmpl thst the automobile can be driven.

To write a program to calculate the capacity of an automobile fuel tank in liters and the kmpl (kilometers per liter) that the automobile can be driven, you can follow these steps:

1. Prompt the user to enter the total distance traveled by the automobile (in kilometers).
2. Prompt the user to enter the amount of fuel consumed by the automobile (in liters) to cover the distance entered in step 1.
3. Calculate the kmpl by dividing the distance traveled (in kilometers) by the amount of fuel consumed (in liters).
4. Prompt the user to enter the total distance that can be covered with a full tank of fuel (in kilometers).
5. Calculate the capacity of the fuel tank by dividing the total distance that can be covered with a full tank (in kilometers) by the kmpl calculated in step 3.
6. Display the calculated capacity of the fuel tank (in liters) to the user.

Here's a Python program that implements the above steps:

# Step 1: Prompt the user to enter the total distance traveled
distance_traveled = float(input("Enter total distance traveled (in kilometers): "))

# Step 2: Prompt the user to enter the amount of fuel consumed
fuel_consumed = float(input("Enter amount of fuel consumed (in liters): "))

# Step 3: Calculate kmpl
kmpl = distance_traveled / fuel_consumed

# Step 4: Prompt the user to enter the total distance that can be covered with a full tank
distance_full_tank = float(input("Enter total distance that can be covered with a full tank (in kilometers): "))

# Step 5: Calculate the capacity of the fuel tank
capacity = distance_full_tank / kmpl

# Step 6: Display the calculated capacity of the fuel tank
print("The capacity of the fuel tank is", capacity, "liters")

You can run this program in any Python environment, provide the necessary inputs, and it will calculate the capacity of the fuel tank based on the user input.