A major obstacle to developing good human relations skills is that

A.human relations aren't rewarding.
B. Few persons have common interests.
C. Common interests wont help to keep a conversation going.
D.people fear taking risks.

What is your choice?

D people fear taking risks

D. people fear taking risks.

To identify the major obstacle to developing good human relations skills, we need to evaluate each option and determine which one is the most likely obstacle.

A. Human relations aren't rewarding: This option suggests that people may not find human relations rewarding, which could be a barrier to developing good skills. However, this is not a direct barrier, as individuals can still develop skills regardless of whether they find it rewarding or not.

B. Few persons have common interests: This option implies that a lack of common interests between individuals might hinder the development of good human relations skills. While this can present challenges in forming connections, it is not necessarily the main obstacle in developing those skills.

C. Common interests won't help to keep a conversation going: This option suggests that having common interests does not contribute to keeping a conversation going, which could pose a challenge in establishing and maintaining relationships. While this may be true to some extent, it is still possible to develop good human relations skills by employing other strategies, such as active listening and effective communication.

D. People fear taking risks: This option highlights the fear of taking risks as a potential obstacle to developing good human relations skills. Fear can prevent individuals from engaging in meaningful conversations, expressing themselves openly, or forming new connections. This fear may stem from concerns about judgment, rejection, or vulnerability.

Based on the options provided, option D (people fear taking risks) is the most plausible major obstacle to developing good human relations skills. Overcoming this fear is essential for building and maintaining meaningful relationships. By stepping out of their comfort zones and taking calculated risks, individuals can develop their human relations skills and foster connections with others.