In the poem Dejeuner du matin, how do we know that there is a problem with the two people

What do you think?

First of all, this is listed under "Homework Help" BUT you have not done any thinking at all, as far as I can see. It looks like you have merely posted what YOU are to do? We do not do your homework for you.

This happens to be one of my favorite poems from my favorite French poet. How difficult could this be with the entire English translation there? To me, this poem is much more powerful in French.

Imagine the scene at the breakfast table. Imagine that you are either the husband or the wife. How do you feel? What do you do? If you are the husband, here are the important lines, illustrating what you do NOT do:
Sans me parler
Sans me regarder

If you still don't get it, look at the picture of the broken coffee cup.

Since this is posted under French, are you to answer in French? If so, try it here and I'll be glad to check it for you!

Sra (aka Mme)

To determine if there is a problem between the two people in the poem "Déjeuner du matin" (Morning Breakfast), we need to analyze the text and observe any clues or indicators that suggest tension or conflict. Here's how you can do that:

1. Read and understand the poem: Familiarize yourself with the content and context of the poem. The more you understand the words and the overall situation, the better equipped you will be to identify signs of a problem.

2. Examine the language used: Look closely at the language employed by the poet to describe the interactions between the two people. Pay attention to any differences in tone, choice of words, or emotional expressions that may imply tension or unease.

3. Analyze the dialogue: Focus on the conversation between the two individuals in the poem. Look for any hints of strained communication, avoidance, or ambiguity in their exchanges. Dialogue that lacks warmth, contains abrupt or detached responses, or is marked by silence can suggest an issue.

4. Consider the physical setting and actions: Observe the physical environment described in the poem and the actions of the characters. Look for indications of distance, detachment, or a lack of intimacy, such as characters sitting apart, avoiding eye contact, or engaging in routine actions without any connection.

5. Look for emotional subtext: Pay attention to the emotions expressed or implied by the characters. Seek for feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, or resignation, as these emotions can point to underlying problems between them.

By following these steps, you can carefully analyze the poem's language, dialogue, setting, actions, and emotional subtext to identify any indications of a problem between the two individuals in "Déjeuner du matin."