Can we have ph=0? Will this be considered acidic. My book says ph 1 to 7 is acidic. I wanted to make sure if ph can equal to 0 or no?

A pH of 0 is quite possible. If pH = 0 then (H^+) = 1M and that is common.

Your book SHOULD SAY pH<7 is acidic and pH>7 is basic. A pH of 1 to 7 being acidic is not right; pH = 7 is not acidic although 1 TO (not through) 7 will be acidic.

Thank you for clarifying.

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where pH 7 is considered neutral, pH values below 7 are acidic, and pH values above 7 are alkaline (or basic).

In theory, a pH of 0 would indicate a highly acidic solution, as it is at the lowest end of the pH scale. However, in practice, it is very rare to find a solution with a pH of exactly 0. This is because the pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that each whole number on the scale represents a tenfold difference in acidity or alkalinity.

To measure pH, a pH meter or pH indicator paper is typically used. These instruments have a limited range, usually starting from pH 1. Therefore, even if a solution is highly acidic, it may be measured as pH 1 or the lowest value displayed by the instrument being used, rather than a specific pH of 0.

In conclusion, while a pH of 0 is theoretically possible and would be considered extremely acidic, it is very rare to encounter a solution with such a precise pH value.