how do you write a code that prompts the user for data points that are then put into an array

To write a code that prompts the user for data points and stores them in an array, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare an empty array to store the data points.
2. Use a loop to repeatedly prompt the user for input until they indicate that they have finished entering data.
3. Inside the loop, use the `input()` function to prompt the user for a data point and store it in a variable.
4. Append the data point to the array using the `append()` method.
5. Once the user indicates that they have finished entering data, exit the loop.
6. You can then access and use the array with the entered data for further processing.

Here's an example code snippet in Python:

# Declare an empty list
data_points = []

# Repeat the input prompt until the user is finished
while True:
data = input("Enter a data point (or 'done' to finish): ")

# Check if the user wants to finish entering data
if data.lower() == 'done':

# Append the data point to the array

# Print the array with the entered data
print("Data points:", data_points)

In this code, the loop (`while True`) keeps prompting the user for data points until they enter the keyword `'done'`. The entered data points are appended to the `data_points` array using the `append()` method. Finally, the array is printed to show the entered data.

Feel free to modify this example to suit the programming language you are using.