Identify the variable constant numerical and literal coeficient in algebraic expression of 4x³y + 15y² -9

variables are represented by letters: x and y

numeric constants stand alone: -9

coefficients are numbers multiplying the variables: 4 and 15

To identify the variable, constant, numerical coefficient, and literal coefficient in the algebraic expression 4x³y + 15y² - 9, let's break it down.

1. Variable: A variable represents an unknown number or a quantity that can change. In this expression, the variables are x and y.

2. Constant: A constant is a value that does not change and does not involve any variables. In this expression, the constant is -9.

3. Numerical coefficient: The numerical coefficient is the number multiplied by the variables. In this expression, the numerical coefficients are 4, 15, and -9.

4. Literal coefficient: A literal coefficient is a coefficient that involves both a number and a variable(s). In this expression, the literal coefficient is 4x³y. It consists of the literal (variable) coefficients 4, x³, and y.

So, in the given algebraic expression:
- Variables: x and y
- Constant: -9
- Numerical coefficients: 4, 15, and -9
- Literal coefficient: 4x³y