I want to study nursing can I still study it with the subject that I dd in grade 12

Yes. In the U.S., you'd need to take 3 or 4 years of college to earn your nursing certificate. You'll have to take more science in college.

To study nursing, it is usually advantageous to have a strong foundation in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and English. However, the specific requirements for nursing programs vary depending on the country and the institution.

To determine if your grade 12 subjects meet the prerequisites for studying nursing, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Research the requirements: Check the websites or prospectus of universities or colleges offering nursing programs in your desired country. Look for the specific subject requirements for admission.

2. Contact the institutions: Reach out to admissions offices of the nursing programs you are interested in and inquire about their specific requirements. They may provide guidance on whether your grade 12 subjects are sufficient or if any additional courses or qualifications are required.

3. Consider bridging courses: If the subjects you have taken in grade 12 do not meet the requirements, you could explore the possibility of taking bridging courses. These are usually short courses designed to cover the necessary content in subjects like Biology or Chemistry, enabling you to meet the prerequisites for nursing.

4. Research alternative pathways: If you find that your current subjects do not meet the requirements for direct entry into a nursing program, investigate alternative pathways. Some institutions offer pre-nursing programs or pre-health science courses that can help you meet the necessary requirements.

5. Seek guidance: Consult with academic advisors, career counselors, or nursing professionals who can provide more personalized advice based on your specific situation and location.

Remember, the requirements for studying nursing can vary, so conducting thorough research and seeking guidance from reliable sources will help you determine the best path based on your current subjects and goals.