$0.50 per km over 100km per day, expected to travel 500 km in total?

What is your question?

.50$/km * 100km/day = 50$/day

not sure just what it is you want to know.

its for mileage

you never have said how many gallons (or liters) of gas (or petrol) have been used. Tough to figure mileage (or kmage) without that.

50 litres @ 1.80 per litre

hope that helps

also this is for a trip with 10 people traveling, 2 caregivers and 8 disabled adults

To calculate the cost of traveling 500 km in total at a rate of $0.50 per km over 100 km per day, we need to break down the distance into different segments.

First, we have 100 km per day, which is the standard distance covered without any additional charge. In this case, since you are traveling 500 km in total, you will have 100 km covered each day for the first five days.

So, for the first five days, the total cost will be:
100 km/day x $0.50/km = $50/day x 5 days = $250.

Next, we need to calculate the additional distance beyond 100 km each day. Since you are traveling 500 km in total, the remaining distance after the first five days is 500 km - 100 km/day x 5 days = 500 km - 500 km = 0 km.

Therefore, you will not have any additional charges for exceeding the 100 km/day limit beyond the first five days.

In summary, the total cost of traveling 500 km in total, at a rate of $0.50 per km over 100 km per day, will be $250.