How often should children and teenagers be physically active?

every day

How does your text define physically active?

Children and teenagers should engage in regular physical activity on a daily basis. The American Heart Association recommends at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day for children aged 6-17 years. This can be achieved through a combination of aerobic activities, such as running, swimming, or cycling, and muscle-strengthening activities like push-ups or climbing. It is important for children and teenagers to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily routines to promote healthy growth and development, improve cardiovascular health, maintain a healthy weight, enhance bone strength, and contribute to mental well-being.

To ensure that children and teenagers are meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines, it is helpful to encourage and support them in participating in a variety of activities they enjoy. This can include organized sports, recreational activities, active play, or even household chores that require movement. Parents, caregivers, and schools can play a crucial role in promoting physical activity by providing opportunities for active play, limiting screen time, and setting a positive example by being physically active themselves.

Regular physical activity should be viewed as a lifelong habit, and children and teenagers should be encouraged to find activities they enjoy and make them a part of their daily routine. It is important to note that individual abilities and interests may vary, so it is vital to be flexible and supportive while ensuring they engage in a variety of activities that challenge their physical abilities.