A teacher is collecting data about students. Which of the following is a random sample.

A.Students known by the teacher
B.Students not known by the teacher
C.Students using the library at lunch
D.None of the answers are correct


Only D has a grammatical error. It should be "None of the answers IS correct."

To determine which option is a random sample, we need to understand what a random sample is. A random sample is a representative subset of a larger population where each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. This helps to ensure that the sample accurately represents the larger group.

Now, looking at the given options:

A. Students known by the teacher: This option is not a random sample because the teacher already knows these students and likely has some level of familiarity or bias towards them.

B. Students not known by the teacher: This option has the potential to be a random sample, as the teacher does not have any prior knowledge or familiarity with these students. However, the question does not provide any information about how these students would be selected, so it's hard to determine if this option qualifies as a random sample.

C. Students using the library at lunch: This option is not a random sample since it specifically targets a specific group of students (those using the library at lunch) rather than selecting students randomly from the entire population.

D. None of the answers are correct: This option implies that there is no possibility of choosing a random sample from the given options.

Based on this analysis, none of the given options directly appear to be a random sample. However, option B has the potential to be a random sample if a proper random selection process is implemented.