linda base pay rate is $21 per hour, with overtime paid at time-and-a-half. Find her gross pay if she worked 45 hours Monday through Saturday. round to the nearest cent.

What were her overtime hours?

(40*21) + (5*31.50)= 840+157.50=997.50

To find Linda's gross pay, we need to calculate her regular pay for the first 40 hours, and then add the pay for any overtime hours.

Step 1: Calculate Linda's regular pay for 40 hours.
Her regular pay rate is $21 per hour, and she worked a total of 45 hours. So, she worked 40 regular hours and 5 overtime hours.
Regular pay = Regular hours x Regular pay rate = 40 hours x $21/hour = $840.

Step 2: Calculate Linda's overtime pay for the additional 5 hours.
Her overtime pay rate is 1.5 times her regular pay rate.
Overtime pay = Overtime hours x Overtime pay rate = 5 hours x ($21/hour x 1.5) = $157.50.

Step 3: Calculate Linda's total gross pay.
Total gross pay = Regular pay + Overtime pay = $840 + $157.50 = $997.50

Therefore, Linda's gross pay, rounded to the nearest cent, is $997.50.