To what people does John Winthrop compare the Puritans in "A Model of Christian Charity"?

the ancient Egyptians

the ancient Romans

the ancient Israelites

the ancient Babylonians


In "A Model of Christian Charity," John Winthrop compares the Puritans to the ancient Israelites.

To find out to whom John Winthrop compares the Puritans in "A Model of Christian Charity," you can refer to the text itself. "A Model of Christian Charity" is a sermon given by John Winthrop in 1630. In this sermon, Winthrop compares the Puritans to a few different historical civilizations to emphasize the importance of their communal unity.

To locate the specific comparison, you can read through the text of "A Model of Christian Charity" or search for an online version of the sermon. By examining the content, you will come across the section where Winthrop makes the comparison. In this case, the correct answer is the ancient Israelites, as Winthrop specifically compares the Puritans to them.

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