Bob works 1 1/2 hours per day and is payed $7 per hour. He works five days a week. How much money does he earn in 7 weeks?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Since 1 1/2 hours is equal to 1.5 hours. I times it by 7 which is 10.5 which probably equals $10.50 and since he works 5 days a week, and the question says for 7 weeks, the days will be 35 days overall so $7*35 will be $245 overall. That's my answer, Ms. Sue.


He makes $10.50 a day.

He makes $10.50 a day


To find out how much money Bob earns in 7 weeks, we need to calculate his weekly earnings and then multiply it by the number of weeks.

First, let's calculate Bob's weekly earnings. Bob works 1 1/2 hours per day and is paid $7 per hour, so his daily earnings can be calculated as follows:

Daily earnings = Hours worked per day * Pay rate per hour
= 1 1/2 * $7
= $10.50

Since Bob works five days a week, his weekly earnings can be calculated by multiplying his daily earnings by the number of days he works in a week:

Weekly earnings = Daily earnings * Number of days worked per week
= $10.50 * 5
= $52.50

Now, to calculate Bob's earnings in 7 weeks, we simply multiply his weekly earnings by the number of weeks:

Total earnings = Weekly earnings * Number of weeks
= $52.50 * 7
= $367.50

Therefore, Bob earns a total of $367.50 in 7 weeks.