(TCO 3) For a common source FET amplifier, gm = 1,600 ms and RD = 3.5 k. The voltage gain (AV) is _____.

None of the above

To find the voltage gain (AV) of a common source FET amplifier, we can use the formula AV = -gm x RD.

Given that gm = 1,600 ms and RD = 3.5 k, we can substitute these values into the formula:

AV = -1,600 ms x 3.5 k

To calculate this, you need to convert the value of RD from kilohms (k) to ohms (Ω):

RD = 3.5 k = 3.5 x 10^3 Ω

Now, substitute the values into the formula:

AV = -1,600 ms x 3.5 x 10^3 Ω

Multiply the values:

AV = -5.6 x 10^6 Ω.ms

Now we need to convert Ω.ms to a unitless value. Since the unit "ms" is in the denominator, we can move it to the numerator and convert it to "s" (seconds). We do this by dividing by 1,000:

AV = -5.6 x 10^6 Ω.ms / (1,000 ms/s)

Simplifying, we get:

AV = -5.6 x 10^6 Ω.s

Now, we can express this value in terms of kilo-ohms (kΩ.s) by dividing by 1,000:

AV = -5.6 x 10^6 kΩ.s / (1,000 kΩ/s)

Simplifying further, we get:

AV = -5.6 x 10^3

So the voltage gain (AV) is -5.6 x 10^3.

Therefore, the correct answer is None of the above.