1. special:not ordinary or usual

2. ________: to have pleasure in something

What is the suitable word for the blank?

1. special:not ordinary or usual

2. ________: to have pleasure in something
3. In a ________ place, there aren't many people.

What is the suitable word for each blank?

2. _enjoy_: to have pleasure in something

3. In an isolated (or a lonely) place, there aren't many people.

The suitable word for the blank is "enjoy."

To arrive at this answer, first, we need to understand the definition given for the word "special" in the question. According to the question, "special" means "not ordinary or usual."

Next, we need to find a word that means "to have pleasure in something." One such word is "enjoy." "Enjoy" means to take delight or pleasure in something.

By considering the given definitions and connecting the dots, we can determine that "enjoy" is the suitable word for the blank.