In a study of the development of noun usage, an investigator is interested in the relationship of the number of nouns in a child's vocabulary to the number of adults in the household. This type of project is:

A. correlational in nature.
B. experimental in nature.
C. naturalistic.
D. high-constraint research.


Your answer is correct! The study described in your question is correlational in nature. Correlational research explores the relationship between two variables without any manipulation or control of the variables. In this case, the investigator is interested in examining the relationship between the number of nouns in a child's vocabulary and the number of adults in the household. They are not manipulating these variables but rather observing their relationship.

Yes, you are correct. This type of project, examining the relationship between the number of nouns in a child's vocabulary and the number of adults in the household, is correlational in nature. In correlational research, the goal is to determine if there is a relationship or association between two variables, but it does not involve manipulating or controlling variables, which is characteristic of experimental research. The investigator is simply observing and analyzing the relationship between these two factors, making it a correlational study.