Darren the astronaut traveled to Planet U-427, a planet that is as big as Earth but is half the mass of Earth. What can you say about Darren's weight in this planet?



Darren the astronaut traveled to Planet U-427, a planet that is as big as Earth but is half the mass of Earth. What can you say about Darren's weight in this planet?

To determine Darren's weight on Planet U-427, we can use the formula for weight, which is given by:

Weight = Mass * Acceleration due to gravity

On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2. However, on Planet U-427, the acceleration due to gravity will be different since it has half the mass of Earth.

Let's denote Darren's weight on Earth as W1 and on Planet U-427 as W2. We can set up the equation as follows:

W1 = Mass * 9.8 m/s^2 (Equation 1)

On Planet U-427:
W2 = Mass * (Acceleration due to gravity on Planet U-427)

Since Planet U-427 is the same size as Earth but has half the mass, the acceleration due to gravity on Planet U-427 can be calculated as half of the acceleration due to gravity on Earth. That means:

Acceleration due to gravity on Planet U-427 = 0.5 * 9.8 m/s^2 = 4.9 m/s^2

Now we can substitute this value back into Equation 1:

W2 = Mass * 4.9 m/s^2

Comparing W2 to W1, we see that Darren's weight on Planet U-427 will be approximately half of his weight on Earth. This is because the force of gravity on Planet U-427 is only half as strong as on Earth due to its lower mass.