what is the difference between internal conflict and external conflict

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Internal conflict rages within a person. He might be torn between staying with his family and setting out into the world by himself. She might battle with her conscience about what she wants to do.

External conflict is strife between people. Arguments, fights, differences of opinion are all examples of external conflicts.

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Internal conflict and external conflict are two different types of conflicts that can occur in literature or storytelling.

1. Internal conflict refers to a conflict that takes place within a character's mind or emotions. It involves a struggle or dilemma that the character experiences within themselves. This conflict may involve conflicting desires, beliefs, or emotions. Examples of internal conflict could be a character dealing with their fear, making a difficult decision, or battling their own insecurities.

To identify internal conflict in a story, you can look for clues within the character's thoughts, feelings, or internal dialogue. Pay attention to moments when the character is grappling with a choice, questioning their actions, or facing an internal struggle.

2. External conflict, on the other hand, involves a conflict between a character and an external force or another character. This conflict occurs outside of the character's mind and typically involves some sort of obstacle, opposition, or challenge from the outside world. External conflict can be physical, social, or environmental. Examples of external conflict include a protagonist fighting against a villain, a character struggling to survive in a harsh environment, or a character facing societal prejudice.

To identify external conflict in a story, look for instances where the character encounters obstacles, clashes with other characters, or confronts challenges from the external world. These conflicts often drive the plot and create tension and suspense in the narrative.

In summary, the main difference between internal conflict and external conflict is that internal conflict occurs within a character, involving their thoughts and emotions, while external conflict arises from an external force or another character.