you are looking to join a monthly coffee delivery club. your search has been narrowed down to the two top rated clubs on the internet . five star coffee charges a $40 start up fee and then $8 per month.custom coffee company charges $25 start up fee and $12.50 per month.

a) write function rules for each situation
b) how do the different monthly fees affect the lines?
c) in which time frame would each coffee club be the better option?

the two functions are


Now go for it...

thank you!!

a) Function rules for each situation can be written as follows:

Five Star Coffee:
Cost = $40 (start up fee) + $8 (monthly fee)

Custom Coffee Company:
Cost = $25 (start up fee) + $12.50 (monthly fee)

b) The different monthly fees affect the lines by determining their slopes. In both cases, the start up fees are constant, so they do not affect the slope of the lines. However, the monthly fees determine the steepness of the lines. A higher monthly fee will result in a steeper line, while a lower monthly fee will result in a less steep line.

c) In order to determine which coffee club is the better option in each time frame, we need to compare the costs based on the given start up fees and monthly fees.

For Five Star Coffee:
Cost = $40 (start up fee) + $8 (monthly fee)

For Custom Coffee Company:
Cost = $25 (start up fee) + $12.50 (monthly fee)

To find the time frame when each coffee club is the better option, we need to compare the costs for different periods of time. Let's assume we want to compare the costs for n months.

Cost of Five Star Coffee for n months:
Cost = $40 (start up fee) + $8/month × n months

Cost of Custom Coffee Company for n months:
Cost = $25 (start up fee) + $12.50/month × n months

To determine which club is the better option, we need to compare the total costs for both clubs for a given time frame. If the cost of Five Star Coffee is less than the cost of Custom Coffee Company, then Five Star Coffee is the better option. Similarly, if the cost of Custom Coffee Company is less than the cost of Five Star Coffee, then Custom Coffee Company is the better option.