Figure WXYZ is a rectangle with a semicircle added to its base.

What is the perimeter of figure WXYZ? Use 3.14 to approximate pi.


Figure WXYZ is a rectangle that has a semicircle added to its base. The rectangle has a length of sixteen inches and a width of seven inches. The semicircle has a diameter equal to the length of the rectangle.

perimeter = 1 length + 2 width + (1/2)circumference of circle

= 16 + 2(7) + (1/2)(2π)(8)
= 30 + 8π
= appr 55.13 using a better value than 3.14

thank you so much i have been working on it but i couldn't find it so ty for helping me sorry that i took so long to answer you

To find the perimeter of figure WXYZ, we first need to determine the lengths of the sides.

The length of the rectangle is given as 16 inches and the width as 7 inches.

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding the lengths of all its sides. In this case, the rectangle has two sides with a length of 16 inches and two sides with a length of 7 inches.

So, the total length of the sides of the rectangle is:
16 + 16 + 7 + 7 = 46 inches.

Next, we need to calculate the length of the semicircle's curved boundary. The diameter of the semicircle is equal to the length of the rectangle, which is 16 inches.

To find the length of the semicircle's curved boundary, we need to calculate half the circumference of the full circle with a diameter of 16 inches.

The circumference of a full circle can be calculated using the formula: C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

So, the circumference of the full circle is:
C = 3.14 * 16 = 50.24 inches.

Since we only need half the circumference for the semicircle, we divide the result by 2:
50.24 / 2 = 25.12 inches.

Finally, we can calculate the perimeter of figure WXYZ by adding the lengths of the rectangle's sides and the curved boundary of the semicircle.

Perimeter = Length of rectangle + Width of rectangle + Length of semicircle's curved boundary
Perimeter = 16 + 16 + 7 + 7 + 25.12
Perimeter ≈ 71.12 inches.

So, the approximate perimeter of figure WXYZ is approximately 71.12 inches.