The process of learning "code-switching" is meant to: a. foster social fluency. b.teach a student the approprite use of Standard English and

his/her own dialet.c. encourage one to change grammatical markers d. focus the child on mastering use of Standard American Dialet.

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To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what code-switching refers to. Code-switching is a linguistic phenomenon in which a speaker alternates between two or more languages or dialects within a conversation or communication context.

Now let's evaluate each option:

a. Foster social fluency: Code-switching can indeed be seen as a way to foster social fluency. By being able to code-switch, individuals are better equipped to communicate and connect with different linguistic communities.

b. Teach a student the appropriate use of Standard English and his/her own dialect: This option accurately reflects one of the goals or purposes of code-switching. Learning code-switching helps students understand when it is appropriate to use Standard English versus their own dialect, allowing them to navigate between different sociolinguistic contexts effectively.

c. Encourage one to change grammatical markers: This option is not entirely accurate. Code-switching does involve switching between languages or dialects, but it doesn't necessarily focus on changing grammatical markers within a single language or dialect.

d. Focus the child on mastering the use of Standard American Dialect: While code-switching can involve the use of Standard American Dialect, it is not the sole focus. Code-switching encompasses the ability to switch between different languages or dialects, emphasizing the use of appropriate language variety in different contexts.

Based on the above analysis, option b accurately reflects one of the main purposes of learning code-switching, making it the most appropriate answer choice.