A stretched string is attached to an oscillator. On which of the following quantities does the wavelength of the waves on the string depend? Select all that apply.

The choices are:
A) The frequency of the oscillator.
B) The tension applied to the string.
C) The amplitude of the oscillator's motion.
D) The linear mass density of the string.

I think the correct answers are A, B, and D.

Can someone tell me if I am right or not?

Thanks in advance!

A yes

B yes
C No
D yes

I agree.

The tension and mass density determine the speed of the wave along the string.

The input frequency is the wave frequency
wavelength = speed * period = speed/frequency
frequency, tension and mass density

thank you!

You are welcome.

You are partially correct. The wavelength of the waves on a stretched string depends on the frequency of the oscillator, the tension applied to the string, and the linear mass density of the string. So the correct answers are A, B, and D. The frequency of the oscillator determines the number of complete oscillations or cycles that occur per unit time. The tension in the string affects the speed at which the waves travel and hence the wavelength. The linear mass density of the string, which is the mass of the string per unit length, also affects the speed of the waves and therefore the wavelength. The amplitude of the oscillator's motion, on the other hand, does not directly affect the wavelength of the waves on the string.