Which of the following sentences shows an example of parallel verbs?

A. Once the game was over, Jim had to run home and then eat his dinner.
B. Once the game was over, Jim had to run home and dinner was ready.
C. Once the game was over, Jim had to be running home and eat dinner.
D. Once the game was over, Jim had to run home and eat dinner.

My answer is C


Actually, the correct answer is D. In sentence D, "Jim had to run home and eat dinner," the verb "run" and the verb "eat" are both in the infinitive form and are parallel in structure. When identifying parallel verbs, it is important to look for verbs that are in the same form (e.g., infinitive, gerund, participle) and have a similar grammatical structure. In sentences A, B, and C, the verbs are not parallel because they are not in the same form or structure.