What is one advantage the United States has over Canada for maintaining a diversified economy?

The U.S. has a greater gold resource

The U.S. has a greater labor resource

The U.S. has a greater per capita of fresh water

The U.S. has a greater land resource***

So which one is it



To determine which advantage the United States has over Canada for maintaining a diversified economy, we need to examine each option and understand how it contributes to economic diversification.

1. Greater gold resource: While gold reserves have value, they alone may not significantly contribute to economic diversification. Economic diversification refers to having a mix of industries and sectors that are not heavily reliant on a single resource or sector. Thus, having a greater gold resource alone may not provide a substantial advantage for maintaining a diversified economy.

2. Greater labor resource: Having a larger labor force can be advantageous for a diversified economy. A larger labor resource allows for a broader range of skills and expertise, which can support different industries and sectors. Therefore, it may contribute to economic diversification.

3. Greater per capita of fresh water: Water is essential for various industries, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production. Having a greater per capita of fresh water means the United States has access to abundant resources for these industries, which can support their development and growth. This advantage can contribute to economic diversification.

4. Greater land resource: Land availability plays a vital role in supporting various industries and sectors. It allows for the expansion of agriculture, forestry, mining, construction, and infrastructure development. With a greater land resource, the United States can support a wider range of economic activities, enabling diversification.

Considering these options, the advantage that the United States has over Canada for maintaining a diversified economy is a greater land resource. Access to more land allows for a wider range of economic activities and industries, positively contributing to economic diversification.