poor reading comprehension skills lead to a. failure to remember what was read b. failure in academic performance c. lack of interest and concentration d. inability to relate sentences

all are good but i say a

You can't forget what you didn't comprehend in the first place.

Poor reading comprehension skills can lead to several different outcomes, including:

a. Failure to remember what was read: When someone has difficulty comprehending what they read, it becomes challenging for them to retain the information. This can result in a failure to remember the details, main points, or overall content of the text.

b. Failure in academic performance: Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill required for success across various academic subjects. If someone struggles to understand what they read, it can have a significant impact on their ability to learn from textbooks, articles, or other reading materials. This can lead to poor performance in exams, assignments, and overall academic achievement.

c. Lack of interest and concentration: Difficulty understanding written material can make reading a frustrating experience. Consequently, individuals with poor reading comprehension skills may develop a lack of interest in reading, considering it a tedious or uninteresting task. This disinterest can further affect their concentration while reading, leading to a decreased ability to engage with the text.

d. Inability to relate sentences: Reading comprehension involves understanding the relationship between sentences, paragraphs, and the overall structure of a text. Individuals with poor reading comprehension skills may struggle to connect ideas and concepts expressed in different sentences. This can impede their ability to understand the intended meaning or message of the text.

Improving reading comprehension skills can be achieved through various strategies, such as:

1. Active reading: Engage with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points as you read. This helps maintain focus and promotes understanding.

2. Vocabulary development: Expand your vocabulary by regularly encountering and learning new words. This will enhance your ability to comprehend complex texts.

3. Practice summarizing: Summarize what you have read in your own words to test your comprehension and reinforce understanding.

4. Reading strategies: Employ effective reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and using context clues to aid comprehension.

5. Seek help and guidance: If struggling with reading comprehension, consider seeking assistance from teachers, tutors, or reading specialists who can provide targeted instruction and support.

By implementing these strategies and seeking appropriate support, individuals can work towards improving their reading comprehension skills and mitigate the negative consequences associated with poor comprehension.