Which of the following describes how the physical features of countries in North America influence trade in these countries? (3 points)

Most have flat terrain, making railroads the least expensive method of transporting goods.
With oceans on both sides, most countries have access to many sea ports and trade routes.***
Severe temperatures prevent trade between Canada and other countries most of the year.
Physical barriers such as rivers and lakes at their borders make trade difficult.

You are correct.


You're welcome.

To determine which of the options is the correct answer, we can go through each option and evaluate its validity.

Option 1: "Most have flat terrain, making railroads the least expensive method of transporting goods."
This option suggests that the flat terrain in North American countries makes railroads the least expensive method of transportation. While this may be true for some regions, it cannot be generalized for all countries in North America, as the physical features vary across the continent.

Option 2: "With oceans on both sides, most countries have access to many sea ports and trade routes."
This option states that having oceans on both sides provides most North American countries with access to many sea ports and trade routes. This statement is true as countries like the United States, Canada, and Mexico have access to the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, opening up trade opportunities through maritime routes.

Option 3: "Severe temperatures prevent trade between Canada and other countries most of the year."
This option claims that severe temperatures in Canada hinder trade with other countries for most of the year. While Canada does experience harsh winters in some regions, it does not completely prevent trade throughout the year. Trade between Canada and other nations continues through various transportation methods, such as air, land, and sea.

Option 4: "Physical barriers such as rivers and lakes at their borders make trade difficult."
This option suggests that physical barriers like rivers and lakes at borders make trade challenging in North American countries. This statement is partially true, as water bodies like the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River can pose logistical challenges. However, trade still occurs through various means like bridges, ferry services, and port facilities.

Based on the evaluation of each option, the correct answer is option 2: "With oceans on both sides, most countries have access to many sea ports and trade routes." It accurately represents how the physical features of North American countries influence trade by providing them with access to multiple sea ports and trade routes.