Explain how to use mental math to simplify the expression.

a.) 8 * 3 * 2

b.) 8 * 2 + 3

c.) 5 + 8 + 3

d.) 10 * 3 -4

I have to explain the process.

Example: Using the associative property of multiplication I can group 8*(3*2) so I get 8*6. Then I multiply 8*6 which is 48.

You did a good job with a. If there are no parentheses, multiply first before adding or subtracting.

To simplify the expressions using mental math, follow these steps:

a.) 8 * 3 * 2
First, multiply 3 and 2, giving you 6. Then multiply 8 by 6. The result is 48.

b.) 8 * 2 + 3
Multiply 8 by 2, which equals 16. Then add 3 to 16. The result is 19.

c.) 5 + 8 + 3
Simply add the three numbers: 5 + 8 + 3. The sum is 16.

d.) 10 * 3 - 4
Multiply 10 by 3, which is 30. Then subtract 4 from 30. The result is 26.

In each case, use the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS/BODMAS) to simplify the expression correctly.