Which of the following messages does the author most likely want you to take away from the reading this novel?(1 point)

- Personal choice is critical to society.
- Rules are made to be broken.
- There is no place for memories in modern society.
-Success for all depends on strict adherence to rules.

Please help me ASAP

Which of those seems most important to you? What did YOU take away from reading this novel?

Well I think it is D

anon is probably wrong

To determine which message the author most likely wants you to take away from the reading of the novel, you will need to analyze the content and themes of the novel itself. Reading the novel and considering the author's intentions and overarching themes will provide the most accurate understanding. However, here is a breakdown of the potential messages and how you can approach answering this question:

1. Personal choice is critical to society: Look for instances in the novel where characters make choices that have a significant impact on society or where personal freedom and individuality are valued.

2. Rules are made to be broken: Examine moments in the novel where characters challenge or defy established rules or norms, and evaluate how these actions are presented and portrayed within the narrative.

3. There is no place for memories in modern society: Pay attention to any discussions or events related to memories and their role within society. Reflect on whether the novel suggests that modern society disregards or devalues the importance of memories.

4. Success for all depends on strict adherence to rules: Identify instances where the novel emphasizes the importance of strict adherence to rules for societal advancement or personal success.

By considering these themes and analyzing their presence within the novel, you can determine which message the author most likely wants you to take away. Remember to provide evidence from the text to support your answer when explaining your choice.