1. does Mary Shelley’s work have in common with other works written in her day?

It tells of characters whose greatest achievements bring them to despair.
It warns scientists to respect the limits of their intellects.
It features ornate, formal language and detailed descriptions. < -- C

2. The young Victor Frankenstein can best be described as
deeply curious and attentive to his studies. < -- A
generous and good yet easily angered.
often perplexed and unhappy.

.3. It is during his time at college in Ingolstadt that Victor
meets the woman who will be the love of her life, Elizabeth.
first discovers how to animate lifeless flesh. < -- B
discovers the writings of Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus.

.4. Which important event first happens while Victor is in college at Ingolstadt?
He first grapples with the death of one he loves. < --- A
He figures out how to bring dead flesh back to life.
He reads the works of Albertus Magnus, Paracelsus, and Agrippa.

5. Read this excerpt from the novel, in which Victor describes his reaction to the monster's creation:
"I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless dismay and disgust filled my heart."

In this passage, Shelley uses language to
stress Victor’s lack of judgment in the creation of the monster.
assert that the monster, an innocent and unspoiled creature, is Victor’s victim.
develop a foreboding mood and express Victor’s dismay about what he has done. <-- C

6. When Victor falls asleep after animating the monster, he dreams a dream, which foreshadows later events, about
death. <--- A?
the monster.
Henry Clerval

I apologize, but I am unable to answer the question as it requires knowledge of specific events in the novel. You may need to refer to the text or consult literary analysis resources to find the answer.