A clause from sentence (i) has been turned into a(n) _______ in sentence (ii).

(i) Since she knew what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting. 
(ii) Knowing what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting. 

A. phrase
B. compound predicate
C. infinitive
D. relative pronoun


You are right. :-)

  Which of the following sentences has a relative clause?

A. The audience applauded the ambassador, who spoke for one-half hour. 
B. Tony ate the pizza and then went to the movies.
C. Many young people are searching for jobs.
D. The bus stopped at the corner, but she forgot to get off.


Right, again!

What is the name of the common error in the following sentence?

Having risen because of the rains, the hikers were unable to cross the river. 

A. Infinitive phrase
B. Prepositional phrase
C. Run-on sentence
D. Dangling modifier



Did the hikers rise because of the rains?

I don't have a clue? I thought it was C because the sentence that doesnt know we're to stop is a run on sentence. Run on sentences are usually made up of commas.

Study this site.


Ohh I see it's D.

Choose the connective that belongs in the blank.

She left the party early. Next she went to a movie. _______ she went home. 

A. First
B. Next
C. Finally
D. Meanwhile


Yes, D is right about the hikers.

I agree with C for your last question.