"THE MEDIA DO NOT TELL US WHAT TO THINK. THEY TELL US WHAT TO THINK ABOUT". Analyse the above statement. Illustrate your answer by reffering to any THREE media forms over the same two week period.

See Related Questions below.

analyse the above statement illustrate your answer by referring to any three media form the media do not tell us what to think ,they tell us what to think about,

1. 4. 1

News reported by media,it might be through newspaper television and social media they need to be understand as they are misinter presentation may limit. Amedia democracy focuses on using information technologies to both empower individual citizines and promote democratic ideals the spread of information infact media should be used to promote democracy.

Radio, t.v and newspaper

Factors tha could threaten or limit the core functions of the media

Media give us more creative about what can we do in a near future.

ow help me guys I won't get this information please

The statement "The media do not tell us what to think. They tell us what to think about" highlights the power and influence of the media in shaping public opinion and the topics that receive attention. This idea suggests that rather than directly dictating our thoughts, the media's role is to control the agenda and direct our attention towards specific issues or subjects. To analyze this statement, we can refer to three different forms of media over a two-week period: television news, online news websites, and social media platforms.

1. Television News:
During the two-week period, observing different television news channels can reveal how they shape what we think about. Each news channel has its own editorial biases and preferences, which influence the stories they cover and the way they present them. For example, one news channel might focus more on political scandals, while another might prioritize economic issues or international conflicts. This selection and framing of news topics can subtly guide our thoughts and shape our perceptions of what is important.

2. Online News Websites:
Analyzing online news websites allows us to see another aspect of the media's influence on our thinking. These platforms often use algorithms to personalize the news content we see based on our browsing habits and preferences. As a result, we are exposed to news articles catered to our interests and beliefs. This filtering and selection process can create echo chambers, reinforcing existing opinions and limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. Consequently, the media is not telling us what to think explicitly, but rather narrowing the range of issues we engage with and consider.

3. Social Media Platforms:
Social media platforms have become significant forces in influencing what we think about. They use algorithms to curate newsfeeds, resulting in the prioritization of certain topics and news stories based on user engagement and interests. These platforms can amplify the visibility of specific events or controversies, leading to widespread public attention and discussions. As a consequence, social media can manipulate our understanding of what matters, as certain issues gain outsized prominence while others remain overlooked or forgotten.

Overall, across different media forms, we can see how the media doesn't explicitly impose thoughts on us but guides our thinking by selecting, framing, and prioritizing topics. By controlling the information we are exposed to and the conversations we engage in, the media plays a powerful role in shaping public opinion and determining the issues we pay attention to.