at what time does this equation reaches 10000? show steps. thanks


Sorry the equation is wrong it should be

W(t)=5 (t-10(t-20)+4500

set 5(t-10)(t-20)+4500 = 10000

5(t-10)(t-20) = 5500
(t-10)(t-20) = 1100
t^2 - 30t + 200 = 1100
t^2 - 30 t = 900
I will complete the square..
t^2 - 30t + 225 = 1125
(t-15)^2 = 1125
t - 15 = ±√1125 = ±15√5
t = 15 ± 15√5 , but more than likely t > 0

so t = 15 + 15√5 or appr 48.541

Calculate 5*(t-10)(t-20)=5500


We don't 'calculate' 5*(t-10)(t-20)=5500
we "solve" 5*(t-10)(t-20)=5500

and I believe I just did that for you.

Thanks Reiny :D

To find the time when the equation w(t) reaches 10000, we need to solve the equation:

w(t) = 10000

Let's substitute the equation for w(t):

(t-10)(t-20) + 4500 = 10000

Now, we can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Expand the equation
t^2 - 30t + 200 + 4500 = 10000

Step 2: Combine like terms
t^2 - 30t + 4700 = 10000

Step 3: Move 10000 to the left side of the equation
t^2 - 30t + 4700 - 10000 = 0

Step 4: Simplify
t^2 - 30t - 5300 = 0

Step 5: Factor the equation (if possible)
Unfortunately, this particular equation doesn't factor easily. Therefore, we'll need to use the quadratic formula to find the solutions.

The quadratic formula is given by:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

For our equation, a = 1, b = -30, and c = -5300.

Using the quadratic formula, we have:

t = (-(-30) ± √((-30)^2 - 4(1)(-5300))) / (2(1))


t = (30 ± √(900 + 21200)) / 2
t = (30 ± √(22100)) / 2

Step 6: Calculate the square root of 22100
√(22100) ≈ 148.55

Since we have a ± sign, we'll find two possible values for t:

t1 = (30 + 148.55) / 2 ≈ 89.28
t2 = (30 - 148.55) / 2 ≈ -59.28

We are only interested in the positive value of t since time cannot be negative. Therefore, the equation w(t) reaches 10000 approximately at t = 89.28.