Write 806,000,000 in scientific notation

jack off

To write 806,000,000 in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until we have a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Starting with 806,000,000, we can move the decimal point 8 places to the left, resulting in 8.06. This means that we can express 806,000,000 as 8.06 × 10^8 in scientific notation.

Here's the breakdown of the process:

1. Start with the given number: 806,000,000.
2. Move the decimal point 8 places to the left, resulting in 8.06.
3. Rewrite it as 8.06 × 10^8.

So, 806,000,000 in scientific notation is 8.06 × 10^8.

8.06 * 10^8