1) What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far? Explain.

2) What environmental pressures in the past do you think were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today?

3) What environmental pressures exist now that you think may be shaping the human species?

4) What environmental pressures do you think may affect humans as Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future? Explain how these pressures may affect human traits.

I'd just like a few hints. I can't find any reasonable information anywhere, and since I go to Connexus, I don't have a science book to refer to.

Um, Ms.Sue you need to buy those not all kids have them.

uhhhh help plz-

who will answer the question since im stumped as well

1) To find evidence that the human species has been successful so far, we can look at various aspects of human development and achievements. One key piece of evidence is the exponential growth of the human population over time. This suggests that humans have been able to adapt to various environments, find resources, and successfully reproduce, leading to population expansion. Additionally, advancements in technology, medicine, and scientific knowledge have greatly improved the quality of human life and increased our ability to survive and thrive. The development of complex societies, cultural diversity, and the ability to communicate and cooperate across vast distances are also indicative of human success. These achievements demonstrate our adaptability, intelligence, and ability to overcome challenges.

2) Identifying the most important environmental pressures in the past that shaped the human species is a subject of ongoing scientific research and debate. However, there are a few key factors that likely played significant roles. One is the shift from living in forested environments to more open savannah-like landscapes. This transition necessitated the development of bipedalism, allowing for efficient movement and the ability to spot potential predators or prey over tall grasses. Another major environmental pressure is believed to be climate change, including fluctuations between ice ages and warmer periods. These changes would have required humans to adapt to new climates and adjust their hunting and gathering strategies accordingly. Additionally, competition for resources and the need to navigate complex social structures likely exerted selective pressures on early human populations.

3) Currently, there are several environmental pressures that may be shaping the human species. One significant factor is the rapid pace of technological advancement and globalization. The interconnectedness of the world through communication and trade has introduced new challenges and opportunities. This includes increased exposure to diverse cultures and ideas, which can lead to the development of new perspectives and adaptations. Environmental pressures such as climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction also pose significant challenges. These pressures may necessitate adaptations in areas such as agriculture, energy production, and resource management to ensure the long-term survival and well-being of the human species.

4) As Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future, there will likely be additional environmental pressures that may affect human traits. One such pressure is the strain on resources, including food, water, and energy. As the population grows, there will be an increased need for sustainable practices to ensure sufficient resources for everyone. This may drive advancements in technology and agricultural practices to increase efficiency and reduce waste. Another pressure is urbanization and the concentration of populations in cities. This can lead to increased competition for limited resources, as well as environmental challenges associated with pollution, overcrowding, and the need to provide infrastructure and services for a growing population. Adaptations such as increased resilience to stress, efficient use of resources, and new social structures may be necessary for human survival and well-being in this scenario. Overall, the impact of these future environmental pressures on human traits will depend on how societies respond and adapt to emerging challenges.

How would you like us to help you with these questions?



Connexus actually has an online book in the bookbag section, you can reffer off to that there is no need for you to be using jiskha for these questions for your portfolio Savannah, and they are so easy to answer to.

Where does Connexus expect you to find this information? Certainly, it has recommended one or more websites. What are they?

But you should be able to answer the first question without any help.