The media do not tell us what to think the just tell us what to think about?

I definitely agree but what is your question?

Analse the above statement . illustrate your answer by referring to any three media form over the same two week period

List and discuss any four factors that could threaten or limt the core functions of the media

The statement you mentioned, "The media do not tell us what to think, they just tell us what to think about," implies that the media's role is not to directly influence our thoughts or opinions, but rather to shape the topics and issues that we focus on. This concept is often attributed to sociologist and media theorist Bernard Cohen.

To understand the meaning behind this statement, it is important to recognize that the media has the power to control the information we receive and the stories they choose to highlight. The media acts as a filter, deciding which events, issues, and perspectives to feature, and therefore guiding our attention and shaping public discourse.

So, while the media may not explicitly tell us what to think, their influence lies in what they prioritize, what they emphasize, and what they overlook. This selection process can heavily influence our perception of the world, as it directly impacts the information we are exposed to.

To discern whether the media portrays a particular agenda, it is essential to engage in critical thinking and media literacy. Here are some steps to navigate media messages:

1. Diversify your information sources: Consume news from different outlets, including reputable newspapers, television channels, radio stations, and online sources. This helps in obtaining a broader range of perspectives.

2. Verify facts: Fact-check the information presented by the media. Look for multiple sources to corroborate the details, especially when it comes to controversial or sensational topics.

3. Analyze the framing: Recognize how information is framed and presented in news stories. Consider the language, tone, and images used, as these factors can influence perceptions and emotions.

4. Identify biases: Understand that media outlets may have inherent biases, whether political, ideological, or cultural. Be aware of these biases and how they can impact the information being presented.

5. Seek diverse opinions: Actively listen to and seek out varied perspectives on a given topic. This helps avoid echo chambers and fosters a balanced understanding.

By employing these critical thinking skills and being mindful of media influences, we can develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around us and make informed decisions based on multiple sources of information.