Which organ systems help deliver oxygen to body cells?

I think that its the enodcrine and lymphatic systems

the other choices are
A.respitory and excratory
B.muscular and immune systems
C.respiratory and circulatory systems

its c

The correct answer is C. respiratory and circulatory systems.

To arrive at this answer, let's understand the roles of each organ system mentioned:

1. Endocrine system: The endocrine system is responsible for regulating the body's hormones and controlling various bodily functions, but it is not directly involved in delivering oxygen to body cells.

2. Lymphatic system: The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance, transports fats, and fights against infections. Although it indirectly supports the immune system, it does not play a direct role in delivering oxygen to body cells.

3. Respiratory system: The respiratory system is responsible for breathing, which involves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. Oxygen is inhaled, and carbon dioxide is exhaled. Therefore, the respiratory system is crucial for delivering oxygen to body cells.

4. Excretory system: The excretory system eliminates waste products from the body, such as urine, but it is not directly involved in transporting oxygen to body cells.

5. Muscular system: The muscular system enables movement, but it does not directly contribute to delivering oxygen to body cells.

6. Immune system: The immune system protects the body from infections and diseases. While it indirectly supports overall health, it does not play a direct role in delivering oxygen to body cells.

7. Circulatory system: The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The blood carries oxygen from the lungs and delivers it to body cells while simultaneously removing carbon dioxide. Thus, the circulatory system is essential for delivering oxygen to body cells.

So, the correct answer is C. respiratory and circulatory systems.


Ladadaa, cant hear all the stuff going around on this website, haha! I'm totally not crazy, hahahhahaha!...